Introduction: Principles of Ergonomics, Human Characteristics Relevant to Ergonomics, the system approach and aspects of Ergonomics.
Application of Ergonomics in the Design: Role of Human Factors Engineering in Artificial Intelligence, anthropometry, type of anthropometry, body dimensions of various organs, failure of design, anthropology and its types.
Cognitive Ergonomics: Basic cognitive capabilities and limitations of the workers, environmental situation and limitations conducting and ergonomic assessment, developing an ergonomic program.
Environmental Ergonomics: Climatic factors, sound and its measurements, effects of noise on various organs, principles of good lighting.
Workplace Ergonomics and Controls: Ergonomic issues related to posture, materials Handling/Lifting using the NIOSH, Frequent types of injuries related to workplace design, Repetitive motion, and cumulative trauma disorders, preventing ergonomically related injuries by redesigning the workplace, designing display for workers, transfer and design of information, Controls and control arrangements.