
Introduction to Computer & C++ Programming

Course ID
Computer Systems Engineering
3rd Semester
3.0 + 1.0

After completion of this course each student would be able to:

  • UNDERSTAND basic computer organization and functions of various computer hardware and software components.
  • GET basic computational problem solving skills.
  • DESIGN and implement effective solutions to computer oriented industrial engineering problems using C++.
  • ANALYZE and debug simple computer program.

The Introduction to Computer & C++ Programming is a compulsory course and has been offered by the Department of Computer Systems Engineering.

Course Learning Outcomes



Taxonomy level



UNDERSTAND basic computer organization and functions of various computer hardware and software components.




GET basic computational problem solving skills.




DESIGN and implement effective solutions to computer oriented industrial engineering problems using C++.




ANALYZE and debug simple computer program.



Course structure and modules

Course Outline:

  • Introduction to Computers:

Generations of computers, Application areas of computer, Information/Data Processing Cycle, Number systems (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal), Input, output and peripheral Devices, Computer Memory: RAM, ROM, SRAM, DRAM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM; Primary, cache memory, Secondary storage: Magnetic, Optical and solid state, Units of memory measurement, Basic CPU organization, Parts of CPU: ALU. MU, CU, FPU and Registers. Computer software and its types.

  • Basics of programming:

Compilation process, Basic C++ program structure, The main procedure, return type and return statement, Outputting data with Cout statement, Preprocessor directives, header file and namespace, Comments, Whitespaces, Manipulators (endl), Escape sequences, Variables, Variable declaration, Variable initialization, Data Types and Identifiers, Literals, Constants, Operators in C++ (Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Short circuit, Arithmetic assignment , Increment and Decrement), Expressions and <cmath> header file, Inputting with Cin statement.

  • Conditional control structures:

One-Way Selection, Two-Way Selection, Multi-Way Selection, Choice-Way Selection, If Statement, If-Else Statement, If-Else-If Statement, Switch Statement.

  • Iterative control structure:

Counter-Controlled Repetition, Sentinel-Controlled Repetition, For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop, Break Statement, Continue Statement, Nested Loops.

  • Arrays:

Introduction to arrays, Declaring and initializing arrays,  Array indices and accessing array elements, Searching arrays with linear search, Sorting arrays with bubble sort, Multidimensional arrays.

  • Functions:

Introduction to functions, Function declaration, Function definition, Function calling, Return type of functions, Arguments and parameters, Function overloading, Passing arguments by value, Passing arguments by reference.

  • Strings:

Introductions to strings, Types of strings in C++, Character string / null character terminated strings, Character string functions, String objects, String object functions.

  • Structures

Introduction to structures, Creating structures, Structure variables, Accessing structure members, Structure of structures.

Practical Outline

  • Getting to know Windows operating system user interface, Office Automation: Document formatting in MS WORD, presentation design with MS POWERPOINT, spreadsheets generation using MS EXCEL, Creating and debugging programs in Code: Blocks or Dev C++.


Recommended Books

  • Computing Essentials 2012 Complete Edition, Timothy J. O’Leary and Linda I. O’Leary.
  • Discovering Computers: Fundamentals, 4th Edition, Shelly Cashman Series.
  • Problem Solving and Programming Concepts, Ninth Edition, Maureen Sprankle and Jim Hubbard.
  • C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design, Fifth Edition, D.S. Malik.