Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (GIS): Definition, scope, GIS components, GIS data, vector data interpretation, Technical elements of Digital GIS , GIS data analysis, GIS data manipulation, spatial data, Point, line and polygon etc. Spatial Statistics, Map algebra, scalable mapping solutions. Use of Arc View/ArcGiS software
GIS in facilities and location Planning: Development for Criteria for facilities a location Planning for industries, parameters development based on factory location criteria, converting parameters in GIS data form, data analysis using subsetting, map calculation.
GIS in Customers location for retail marketing: Vector data for roads, optimal road network analysis using statistical techniques of GIS with the help of Arc view software’s extension road network.
GIS in warehousing and distribution centers: Data base for the location of the warehouses and distribution centers, Point data, its generation and developing the warehouse and distributions centers using data based records from the companies.